Accelerate sales and delivery of Microsoft 365 security services

Easily deliver and monetize cloud security
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Engage and sell to 100% of your Microsoft 365 security customers

Grow security business around top Microsoft 365 scenarios, improving their Secure Score, across all M365 customer tenants

Multi-Factor Authentication

Manage M365 MFA settings across all tenants in one portal


Establish and maintain M365 Anti-Phishing policies

Single Sign-On

Activate and manage SSO across all customer tenants

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Monitor and remediate issues

M365 Email Security

Quickly manage email security, permissions, and settings


Set permissions across all of your tenants from one interface

Threat Prevention

Protect against attacks across M365 collaboration tools

Security Assessments

Quickly generate M365 Security Assessments for your customers

Microsoft Secure Score

View all customer Secure Scores & implement remediations

Powerful, easy-to-use application, purpose-built for ITSPs to accelerate security for their customers

Find it

Discover security vulnerabilities across all your customers

Fix it

Protect customers and efficiently resolve problems

Automate it

Grow recurring revenue by fully scaling your MSP security bundle

Find it

Discover security risks and opportunities across all your customers

Single pane of glass
One view of the truth for security, including Microsoft Secure Score, across all M365 customer tenants under management

Actionable security vulnerabilities
Easily discover security issues with built-in deep scanning of Microsoft’s Graph API and other sources

Prioritization to conquer alerts overload
Real-time dashboards bubble up the most critical tenant and user-level issues to focus on

Actionable insights for sales conversations
Gain insights to sharpen resolution and feed customer sales conversations

Fix it

Protect customers and efficiently resolve problems

Workflows that provide out-of-the-box security alert remediation and data security

Thousands of M365 scenarios
Act immediately with 1-click remediation for the top Microsoft 365 security scenarios customers care about – enabling MFA, Anti-Phishing, DLP, SSO, Permissions, Safe Links and more

Consistent and easy
Fix security vulnerabilities and scale to ensure compliance and customer satisfaction

Mainstream staff
Do more with the same – no new hiring, re-skilling or PowerShell expertise required

Automate it

Increase MRR with ongoing monitoring & management

Put the top M365 security scenarios on autopilot through scheduling and continuous monitoring

Reactive to proactive
Monitor performance and improve processes to detect service bottlenecks before they occur

Increase MRR
Offer more security services confidently without needing to add staff

Easily customizable workflows
No-Code Customization tools allow partners to drag-and-drop and adapt and automate security workflows as they see fit

Security Manager can deliver up to 6X ROI

Try Security Manager today


Frequently asked questions

How to enable Anti-Phish policies for Microsoft 365 customers?

Phishing is one of the most common forms of security attacks and it targets the most vulnerable aspect of any organization or IT infrastructure, its users. The Research and Configure Anti-phishing Policies workflow in Security Manager not only allows you to report on the anti-phishing policies for one, multiple, or all of your connected customers, it also lets you enact a baseline policy across any or all of those same customers. With just a couple of clicks you can enact Microsoft recommended baseline anti-phish protections across your entire customer base and improve your customer’s Microsoft Secure Score. Learn more

How do I improve my client’s Microsoft Secure Score?

Security Manager has 1,000’s of built-in security automations that will help you increase your customers’ Microsoft Secure Score. They will help you reduce labor, increase revenue and help customers. For example – did you know that simple Safe Links and Safe Attachments policies can improve a Microsoft 365 Secure Score by more than 80 points? Learn more

How do I run a Microsoft 365 Security report for my customers?

Growth in the M365 Security business can’t be achieved in a vacuum – it needs data-driven conversations with customers and internal teams. Security Manager provides deep Reporting to drive specific Customer Conversations and/or help MSPs efficiently measure & improve security operations.

How to run M365 customer security assessments?

Security Manager has 1,000’s of built-in security automations that will help you assess your customers’ M365 security. These easy-to-use reports provide MSPs with customer-ready documents to review without extra work. For example – did you know that simple Safe Links and Safe Attachments policies can improve a Microsoft 365 Secure Score by more than 80 points? Learn more

How can I view all of my customers Microsoft Secure Scores in one place?

The average Secure Score chart shows the average Microsoft Secure Score across all managed tenants. As such it can be used to measure the overall level of security you are delivering across all of your customers. By clicking the chart, you can access specific Secure Scores, Max Scores and other details for each customer. Additional filters are available to let you explore further as well.

How do I review and configure Anti-Spam Policies in Microsoft 365?

Run the Workflow: Research and Configure Anti-spam Inbound Policies. The workflow will walk you through the steps for finding gaps in customers’ anti-spam policies and setting up a spam policy for any or all of your customers in accordance with Microsoft best practices.

How can I review and configure Anti-Malware Policies for Microsoft 365?

Run the Workflow: Research and Configure Anti-malware Policies. The workflow will walk you through the steps for finding gaps in customers’ anti-malware policies and setting up a malware policy for any or all of your customers in accordance with Microsoft best practices.

How can I generate a report on which users have MFA enabled for Microsoft 365?

Run the command Get Microsoft 365 MFA Status Report. The command will generate an HTML report with the MFA status of all users for the selected customer(s). It will also provide insight into how MFA is configured (Conditional Access, Security Defaults, AD hoc, global settings) and provides Microsoft recommendations for configuring MFA based on the customer(s)’ licensing.

How can I bulk enforce MFA on a Microsoft 365 tenant?

Security Manager makes it easy to enable M365 MFA across all your customers with default commands for setting MFA on an individual and tenant-wide basis or through a conditional access policy.

How can I perform an Office 365 security audit?

The Security Manager Analyze tab dashboards provide an at-a-glance sense of overall customer security posture. Additionally, the Get Microsoft 365 Security Factor Report command analyzes 22 different aspects of Microsoft 365 security for any or all of your customers and provides an HTML report with the findings.

How to bulk enable Microsoft 365 MFA?

Security Manager makes it easy to enable M365 MFA across all your customers with default commands for setting MFA on an individual and tenant-wide basis or through a conditional access policy.

How is Security Manager more effective than Microsoft Defender?

Microsoft Defender is single tenant solution. Whatever results you get from Defender, you get it tenant by tenant. Security Manager is purpose built for MSPs. It was built with single pane of glass that a partner can have visibility of all their tenant customers in one place. No more bouncing around in Microsoft Partner Center or logging in and out of multiple portals or different customer logins. With Security Manager, partners can easily import hundreds of tenants with just a few clicks, while maintaining the flexibility to pick and choose which tenants and for which services or connectors.

Does Security Manager support GDAP?

Yes, Security Manager’s integration with Microsoft Partner Center is compatible with Granular delegated admin permissions (GDAP).

How can I manage Anti-Phishing policies in Microsoft 365?

By running the Workflow: Research and Configure Anti-phishing Policies. The workflow will walk you through the steps for finding gaps in customers’ anti-phishing policies and setting up policies for any or all your customers in accordance with Microsoft best practices.