Highlights from QuantumSync™ Migration Announcement | SkyKick

You may have heard the news that SkyKick recently announced its new Office 365 QuantumSync™ Migration technology, which brings faster performance, increased security and a better end-customer experience to its industry-leading migration platform.

Already live, this new approach is making the migrations experience even better for SkyKick partners. We’ve seen a lot of excitement already from Partners and the press. Here are three QuantumSync highlights making noise.

  1. Next level performance and security with QuantumSync
    By using proprietary protocol optimizations, SkyKick’s new QuantumSync migration technology enables a more secure customer experience (proven in internal tests to raise Microsoft Security Scores), while simultaneously delivering 2-4x efficiency gains in typical migrations. For many partners, QuantumSync is just another reason why SkyKick is the #1 MSP-rated Migration platform. Shane Monty, Vice President & SkyKick Partner with Bang Technologies shared his excitement in an interview with CRN last week.

    “We have made a bet on SkyKick for our Office 365 Migrations because it is easy to use, fast and secure. It is great to see that SkyKick is always innovating and is now taking their migration technology to the next level with QuantumSync.“

    Migrations to Office 365 take a lot more than just thinking about data synchronization. For SkyKick, QuantumSync highlights its commitment to automating the entire migrations process – including setup, configuration, and provisioning of Office 365 environments.

  2. It’s just the beginning
    Though partners immediately realized significant benefits from this major upgrade – perhaps more importantly, QuantumSync laid the groundwork for even more innovations in performance, security and process management in the future. During an interview with Channel Pro Network, SkyKick’s Director of Product Management Bernard Clark shared that QuantumSync builds on some changes Microsoft made to Exchange Web Services (EWS).

    “They’ve [Microsoft] made changes to throttling, throughput, and other mechanisms. That enabled us to make some really groundbreaking innovations to our algorithms and the way our application behaves and the way it interacts with Office 365 and migrates data into it.“

  3. SkyKick is listening
    Like you, we understand that a great migration experience can unlock customers for a lifetime of cloud services. That’s why we are always listening to our partners to understand their needs, incorporate feedback and invest in our platform. Kent McLeod, Owner of DPE Systems spoke to CRN on the subject.

    “The fact that SkyKick can effectively manage throttling in Office 365 with a single global admin account is huge for us. QuantumSync demonstrates to me that SkyKick is always listening and collaborating with partners and investing to make things better all the time.“

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