Microsoft 365 Defender Configuration Status Report

We recently added a New Microsoft 365 Defender Configuration Status Report which you can access by updating Cloud Manager where you see ‘Updates New Release’ in light blue. 

The SkyKick team has noticed that many M365 tenants are licensed with a Defender service plan, but the plans are regularly left unconfigured. This could be a result of a Defender service plan being added to more basic M365 subscriptions about a year ago.  It’s an untapped opportunity to improve the security posture of these accounts. 

This new report will identify issues with Microsoft 365 Defender configuration, listing customers needing configuration to ensure that the native security monitoring (incidents and alerts) is properly configured and notifying you of security issues.

As always, keep an eye out for more information and updates on either the blog, the ‘Let’s Get It Done’ emails or by checking for new scripts in Workbench > Updates.